Osteopathic Treatment for Babies and their Families

Does my baby need osteopathic or craniosacral therapy?


If you want help with feeding difficulties, colic, digestive issues, birth trauma, and other imbalances, you’ve come to the right place. If life with a baby is feeling difficult, Osteopathy, including Craniosacral Therapy, can help.  


As an adult, you can also benefit from treatment! Birth is a big shift for both of your bodies. You’ve been physically connected for almost a year and you’re still very connected. Treating you can help how you and your body respond to your baby.


Older babies, toddlers, and children can also benefit… it’s never too late to unwind tension. 


Whichever appointment you book, you’ll always get a mix of the wholistic osteopathic approach with a craniosacral touch.

The Baby Osteo

Carrie McFetridge

Hi, I’m Carrie. I love working with babies! That said, I work with all ages. I’ve taken additional training in Craniosacral Therapy to meet the needs of families ranging from conception/fertility to newborns, mother and child dyads, and children. I’ve also taken on extra studies in pediatric cranial osteopathy, oral restrictions, and an apprenticeship with a European-trained paediatric osteopath. 

Areas Of Expertise

My job to 

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